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Inktober 2022~Day 3: Bat

(Just for the record, I did finish this yesterday, but I did not get the chance to post it yesterday.)

Okay, my original idea for this prompt was to draw a bat Fang (The Wingfeather Saga), but then I got the idea of drawing Momo (Avatar: The Last Airbender). I know, I know, Momo is a lemur, but in the real world, he's technically a cross between a lemur and a bat. But when I started drawing, I drew a human face. So, I scrapped the Momo idea. This kid has some bat Fang vibes, but he has more human in him. I imagine that he's from the world of The Wingfeather Saga, but he wasn't completely transformed into a Fang (kinda like Artham).

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