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J.R.R. Tolkien Quote

Does this count as writing or art? I don't know what category to put this in 😆 This is one of my favorite Tolkien quotes. It reminds me that not only was he a genius when it comes to writing fantasy novels, but also that he was a strong Christian. He inspires me to use my talents to glorify God. This is the first time I've tried digital calligraphy, and it feels kinda like I'm cheating... And it's weird not to have ink all over my hands after I'm done. On a different note, yes, I am still working on the Ninjago posters. I've been procrastinating working on it though (sorry!!) and only just started drawing it the other day. :/ But I have a good excuse! I was hit with the inspiration for a new story (which I will hopefully make a manga out of), so all my other creative projects were kind crowded out of my brain XP Anyway, God bless, and have a wonderful rest of your day :)

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